Herb Processing Facility – Sheardown Farm
Landscape Planning – Landscape Design

Sheardown Farm is the location where peppermint oil for Summerdown Mint™ is distilled, however prior to this application there was not a purpose-built facility at the farmyard, with the process being confined to an existing agricultural building.
Working with BK Grain, WHLandscape were involved in the siting of the proposed building to minimise the potential landscape and visual effects of the scheme, while still allowing for the effective use of the site. Additionally, WHLandscape also produced a landscape strategy to help mitigate specific views wider area views from within the National Landscape.
The approach to the mitigation planting was to focus on repairing and enhancing the existing landscape structure across the wider farm area, as opposed to establishing large areas of planting close to the site that may affect the local character. To this end strategic hedgerow and tree planting was proposed, in some cases up to 1.5km from the site, to further integrate the scheme into the landscape.
The application was approved, with no objections being raised by the council’s landscape officer.