Landscape Design

WHLandscape puts the enhancement of the landscape at the forefront of all our design work, creating resilient landscapes for both the urban and rural environments. With a detailed understanding of landscape character, as well as an appreciation for innovative design, WHLandscape is able to provide a bespoke design package, tailored to the needs of our clients.
WHLandscape offers a range of landscape led design services, from detailed landscape design to the strategic landscape masterplanning of large-scale residential developments and rural estates. We are also highly experienced in developing landscape strategies and landscape and ecological management plans, both as stand-alone documents and as an integrated part of the wider range of services we provide. We also have experience in producing landscape detail to accompany Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Strategies, as well as other green infrastructure projects.
Following preliminary appraisal work, WHLandscape can provide Landscape Parameters Plans to help identify the opportunities and constraints of potential development sites. Covering areas such as proposed land use, areas of potential built development, structure of landscape and green infrastructure, access and movement and other key structuring and placemaking components; Landscape Parameters Plans provide a useful tool to help visualise the development potential of possible sites.
Landscape Strategies will include a detailed plan of the site, setting out the strategic planting elements needed in order to provide a high-quality landscape that protects and enhances the environment. These plans are often produced alongside Landscape and Visual Appraisals (LVAs) and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIAs) to illustrate the recommended landscape mitigation and enhancement for a development site. Typically, they form the basis of more detailed landscape design work, which may be the subject of planning conditions.
WHLandscape can provide Masterplans that bring landscape to the forefront of the design process. Adopting a landscape led approach, supported by landscape and visual appraisal work, our Landscape Masterplans focus on establishing green links through developments, providing quality, usable, green spaces that prioritises connectivity and landscape enhancement. These plans are typically produced to help support both outline and detailed planning applications, however they can be provided as stand-alone plans for public consultations and promotional work.
Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is a strategy to develop land and contribute to the recovery of nature. It is a way of making sure the habitat for wildlife is in a better state than it was before development. Whether in the context of a strong existing regional/local Green Infrastructure (GI) framework document, or in the absence of such work, we are able to assess the existing GI network and assets and guide development proposals to incorporate these assets to best advantage, ensuring an efficient and robust site response that maximises the multifunctional nature of its landscape resource.
A Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP) is a site-specific document which details the immediate and long-term commitments to ensure the protection and enhancement of the landscape and biodiversity of the site and the surrounding area. Working with Ecologists and other professionals, WHLandscape can provide the necessary text and plans for the inclusion within an LEMP, as well as being able to collate the work of others and format the document ourselves.
WHLandscape provides site-specific Landscape Implementation and Management Plans (LIMP) which detail the planting, protection and enhancement of vegetation, as well as the necessary maintenance required to ensure the scheme is successful. These documents can be tailored to client needs, ranging from domestic gardens to country estates and farms.
Planning conditions are often applied to the grant of planning permission. These limit and control the way in which the planning permission is to be implemented, aiming to improve the quality of planning applications through the mitigation of any adverse effects and enhancement of the receiving landscape. WHLandscape is able to offer specialist advice and information on the discharge of both landscape and arboricultural planning conditions, which are commonplace on residential and commercial permissions.