Quarry Extension – Bowden's Lane Quarry
Landscape Planning – Landscape Design

Lovell Stone proposed that, if planning permission could be obtained for a new extension to the quarry, the existing permission for quarrying in the important archaeological area could be revoked.
As such, WHLandscape proposed that an LVIA be undertaken to determine the potential landscape and visual effects of the extension so as to aid in the development of a comprehensive mitigation strategy. Due to the nature of the proposals, mitigation measures needed to be robust enough to address the scale of the extension, while also allowing for the site to be reinstated at the completion of quarrying operations.
Following discussions with the Lovell Stone Group and the Local Planning Authority, WHLandscape developed a strategy that focused on the creation of a bund around the site, using topsoil and subsoil from the quarry extension, minimising the need for potentially prominent spoil heaps while also containing the quarry within the wider landscape. Additionally, strategic tree planting formed a key part of the scheme, breaking up views of the quarry but being set back in the wider landscape so as not to not impede the restoration process.
The application was approved, with WHLandscape being subsequently appointed by Lovell Stone to produce a Phasing Plan for the on-site quarrying operations.