Replacement Dwelling – 3 and 4 Curry Cottages

Landscape Planning – Arboriculture – Landscape Design

Cover Image for: Replacement Dwelling – 3 and 4 Curry Cottages

This was a complex site that WHLandscape had been involved in for a number of years, with various development options having been explored for the demolition of two roadside cottages and the creation of a single, off-site, replacement dwelling. In 2022 JJ Acquisitions Ltd took control of the site and elected to adopt a landscape-led approach to the project, which allowed WHLandscape considerably more input into the design proposals. The scheme that was subsequently developed built on WHLandscape’s extensive knowledge of the site and surrounding landscape, moving away from the more formal designs that had previously been considered, and instead focusing on the creation of a large farmhouse style property set within a naturalistic landscape. 

As the scheme began to move through the planning process the Local Authority placed a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on the woodland area adjacent to the site, significantly constraining any ambitions for the originally proposed access. As such WHLandscape were required to find an alternative route for the driveway that would minimise conflict with the trees and their critical rooting zones, while still providing the sweeping approach that the client wanted. An alternative route through the more open rear gardens of the existing cottages was suggested, with WHLandscape successfully demonstrating by way of a tree survey and Arboricultural Impact Assessment that the driveway could pass through the identified root protection area of one beech tree subject to the woodland TPO, if a specialist construction methodology was adopted.

Despite reservations from the planning Case Officer, WHLandscape were able to argue that the proposals would comply with the council’s policy for replacement dwellings in the countryside (COM12), being less visually intrusive in the landscape than the incongruous cottages to be replaced. The scheme was ultimately approved, with no objections being raised by the council’s Landscape Officer and the submitted landscape strategy, prepared by WHLandscape, being conditioned to ensure an attractive landscaped setting for the development.

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