Residential Development – Victoria Road
Landscape Design

WHLandscape were approached by Persimmon Homes who were in the process of trying to secure planning permission for the construction of over 200 dwellings on the edge of Warminster. Prior to WHLandscape’s engagement, the council’s landscape officer had placed a holding objection on the application due to landscape issues associated with the submitted masterplan, in particular a lack of infrastructure planting to address views from the National Landscape.
WHLandscape were appointed to produce a revised landscape masterplan to address the concerns raised by the council, as well as to produce on-plot planting plans for each of the proposed dwellings.
Having reviewed the original documentation submitted with the application, a comprehensive landscape strategy was developed, focusing on the use of strategic structural tree planning within the development and the creation of a large parkland area to soften views from the National Landscape. Green infrastructure gain was key element of the strategy, with extensive planting taking place across the site, including the creation of new habitat areas.
The revised masterplan prepared by WHLandscape meant that the holding objection to the scheme was withdrawn.