Slurry Lagoon – Lyde Green Farm

Due to environmental concerns relating to the potential overflow of slurry from a dairy unit into adjacent watercourses, an additional slurry lagoon was required at Lyde Green Farm. However, the only area at the farmyard site which was suitable to locate the structure was in close proximity to several high-quality oaks bordering the available space. WHLandscape were commissioned to undertake a tree survey and Arboricultural Impact Assessment to outline any constraints that the trees on or adjacent to the site posed to the development, and indicate measures required to protect those trees to be retained during the construction process.
The survey found that a deep ditch adjacent to the site had affected the root morphology of one of the key oaks, increasing the spread of its calculated Root Protection Area (RPA) into the site, and thus further limiting the available developable area. It became clear that a lagoon of the required size to relieve the environmental concerns could not be located in the area without some root disturbance being inflicted on the adjacent oaks. The unavoidable conflict between the RPAs of these trees and the lagoon was accepted by the Local Planning Authority due to the environmental concerns. However, WHLandscape had to provide a robust Arboricultural Method Statement to ensure the effect that the development process had on the surrounding trees was minimised.