Solar Farm – Cock Hill Farm
Landscape Planning – Arboriculture – Landscape Design

This was a complex project where WHLandscape were appointed to provide an assessment of the landscape and visual effects of a 20-megawatt solar farm in the Green Belt between the towns of Trowbridge and Bradford-on-Avon. Extensive assessment work was undertaken, including an initial tree survey to determine the developable area, as well as a cumulative impact assessment looking at the potential effects of the proposed development with other solar sites within the local area, and a review of the specific effects on the Green Belt.
WHLandscape successfully argued that the site was capable of absorbing the proposed development without detrimental landscape and visual effects and would not affect the long-term openness of the Green Belt. Moreover, WHLandscape highlighted the fact that the solar farm would inhibit more significant development proposals that may contribute to the permeant coalescence of Trowbridge and Bradford-on-Avon.
The application was approved, with no objections being raised by the council’s landscape officer, and the submitted landscape strategy, prepared by WHLandscape, being conditioned to ensure the site was appropriately mitigated.